

You may be wondering what coaching is all about.  The International Coach Federation defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.  In a nutshell, coaching takes you from where you are to where you want to be.

Oftentimes, the question is ‘how is coaching different from therapy?’  Coaching does not diagnose nor treat whereas therapy does both.  Coaching focuses on evolving and manifesting potential; therapy focuses on healing and understanding. Coaching is action and solution oriented; therapy is insight and problem oriented.  The coach and coachee are on a peer basis; there is a hierarchical difference between the therapist and the client. Coaching emphasizes on the present and the future; therapy emphasizes on the past and present.

Coaching with Dr. Lei Ang is similar to that of an explorative journey where both you, as her coachee, and herself engage authentically in conversation punctuated by powerful questions, solely led by what emerges from the conversation itself.  Lei is a Co-Active coach in that she holds her client as naturally creative, resourceful and whole, and that the answer you are looking for is already within you.  Her role as the coach is to help you uncover this and navigate the fog that clouds and hinders your movement forward.  As a physician, Lei understands and appreciates the enormous pressure of obligation and responsibility that physicians are burdened with, whether these are externally forced upon them, or self-imposed.  She will ask powerful questions, listen to what you are saying, and not saying intuitively, facilitate shifts in thinking and challenge you to embrace new possibilities and be empowered to step forth into your full expression.      

The outcome from coaching that you may expect includes rediscovering your core essence; having past passions restored or new passions ignited; having clarity of vision and purpose; reframing of perspectives and moving from inertia into action.